Parents Uniting with a Mission

At The School of St Jude, the Mawimbi in the lives of the students extends beyond the academic and has a far-reaching impact on families. A key piece of localizing our impact is the engagement of the community and part of the way in which we achieve this is through our Parents Committee. When you donate or sponsor a scholarship at St Jude’s it is more than providing a child’s education, it means ensuring they are supported and cared for holistically beyond the academic. That’s the Mawimbi, it’s more than education.

Who are the Parent Committee?

The Parent Committee is made up of 55 parent representatives. The prominent members are Chairperson, Charles Kinga, and Vice Chairperson, Juliana Simons.

The purpose of the Parent Committee is for parents to unite with a mission to provide input and insight into decisions regarding student welfare and school disciplinary issues. With the majority of St Jude’s staff members being based in the Head Office, the Parent Committee plays a vital role in understanding the complex challenges students and their families may be facing in different community areas.

The Parent Committee is an initiative that was created to ensure that families have representation and at every level, the school is engaging a diverse range of voices for the best outcomes for the students. The parents that volunteer their time on the committee all have a child that attends The School of St Jude.

What does the Parents Committee do?

The parents are an integral part of the school, providing unique perspectives and insights across a variety of areas from:

  • investigating any challenges students may be facing at home
  • supporting families that may be dealing with additional challenges such as sickness or loss of a loved one
  • helping to manage student disciplinary issues
  • being on the lookout and reporting any welfare concerns
  • temporarily fostering a St Jude’s when the need arises

The Parent Committee is the backbone of ensuring the holistic support of children above and beyond the academic. Beyond just their education. The Mawimbi is an extra layer of local support for families and children through the school. The School of St Jude’s is more than education.